Artificial Dragon

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Finally, After so many years of "thinking" to learn guitar I had the urge to go grab one. I don't know if I will have the same urge in learning it to the end but I will try.

posted by Artificial Dragon @ 10:36 AM 1 comments

Monday, October 16, 2006

Gillettes Castle

We went to this place called Gillette’s castle in a near by town. It is where William Hooker Gillette, noted actor, director, and playwright (Sherlock Holmes), built this one hundred and eighty-four acre estate. It was built in 1914. OK enough of history. So we went there this weekend, it was a fun trip. We wanted to check out a small trail that led to the river down the hill but we ended up going around the hill trekking our way through the forest, rocks. It was truly a great experience after a long time. The beer supply always adds more to the 'fun' part.

posted by Artificial Dragon @ 3:11 PM 2 comments

What a waste of time.

I am a strong believer of following the protocol but sometimes it is total bullshit. We had to make a small change to our production environment. It was just one line of code change which took me about 3 minutes to change (including the time for opening the file and closing it). Here is how it had to be done. First we set up a meeting with 8 jobless people, the architect, the zone architect, the tech lead (me), the quality manager, the release manager, the change manager, the project manager, and the business representative. Then we had to write up like 5 stupid documents (all the documents say the same). Then everyone has to agree upon testing the thing before a particular deadline. Now the Quality testing team is put to work. They have their own process to go about testing. Then we all meet again, and again, and again, and again…. It goes on... at the end, it takes me about 2 weeks to change 1 line of code. I totally believe in following the process guidelines to ensure quality but sometimes it is total WASTE OF TIME. Save money and time, end stupid meetings. I am pretty sure that everyone who works for a big corporation goes through the same bullshit.

Happy Monday!

posted by Artificial Dragon @ 2:33 PM 1 comments

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I got this 30 gallon used fish tank from a friend of mine a few weeks back. Me and my roomie were excited about setting up the fish tank so after about an hour of work which included cleaning the filth, filling up with gravel, fixing all the expensive goodies that goes with a fish tank (filter, heater, the fart machine etc), we found that the fish tank was leaking. We have tried fixing it 3 times so far and it still leaks. It is not on the same edge, if we fix one side the other side leaks. We got so annoyed with this aquarium; we went and got a new one yesterday.

Hopefully the new fish tank doesn’t leak. I didn’t know that the new fish tank costs only like 60 bucks. I wouldn’t have wasted so much effort in fixing the old stupid tank. Will post some pics of the new tank soon :)

posted by Artificial Dragon @ 10:03 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I didn't write this but I confer with everything thats said in this..

I am at extremes...always…

I said more than I should have…

I want to set a few things right…and I know I probably never can…

I wish my life had a volume button...coz I only live at extremes right now...happy moments are awesome...the sad ones are devastating...

I miss my friends, my innocence, my life before…

I hear a lot…but then I think too much about what I hear…making me want to hear more…

I wonder whether I will ever be able to make peace…with myself…and settle…

I regret only one thing in my life…and I will always do so…

I am funny at times, gloomy at times…drunk most of the time…

I dance whenever I can…and always try to do it like no one’s watching…

I sing songs that remind me of times spent with someone else listening to those songs…

I cry on the inside…the tears dried up long ago…

I am an eligible bachelor, though I rarely realize it myself…

I confuse what I need with what I want…

I need nothing from anyone…and that’s my motto now…everything interpersonal has to be a choice…not a need…

I should smile more…I have been told that I look nice when I do…

I finish what I start…but the outcome by then is something I wouldn’t have set out to do…

I could do with some sense…and strength…

I feel empty at times…hollow…pointless…and I never am able to figure out why…

I like to be alone…and most of the time I do get to be so…

I hate to confide…

I will stop here…

posted by Artificial Dragon @ 2:10 PM 2 comments

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